book blog post late post
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For this project, I decided to take a dead simple approach to collecting the photos, leaving it purposefully as one color, the color in question is a strange shade of purple that I’ve used for other projects, I personally feel it encapsulates a weird sense of melancholic other worldliness, in some ways it doesn’t mesh with the photos own color palettes, but I felt that it fit the theme incredibly well, to me this is the color of January. With as no fancy fonts, instead opting for courier new, I purposefully shoes to not capitalize any letters for the titles, or add punctuation, so as to give the book a lack of professionalism. I wanted to play around with the settings and not center the photos to give a sense of wrongness to everything so it wouldn’t look so neatly tied together. Overall, My goal was to give the book an amateur, pathetic look to sell the theme I was going for.
(I wasn't sure how to properly link it so this is the best I can do)
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