
Showing posts from March, 2025

book blog post late post

  Blurb Preview For this project, I decided to take a dead simple approach to collecting the photos, leaving it purposefully as one color, the color in question is a strange shade of purple that I’ve used for other projects, I personally feel it encapsulates a weird sense of melancholic other worldliness, in some ways it doesn’t mesh with the photos own color palettes, but I felt that it fit the theme incredibly well, to me this is the color of January. With as no fancy fonts, instead opting for courier new, I purposefully shoes to not capitalize any letters for the titles, or add punctuation, so as to give the book a lack of professionalism. I wanted to play around with the settings and not center the photos to give a sense of wrongness to everything so it wouldn’t look so neatly tied together. Overall, My goal was to give the book an amateur, pathetic look to sell the theme I was going for. (I wasn't sure how to properly link it so this is the best I can do)

Welcome to... secret game club. Welcome to the secret game club! This is a website I made with the help of Zonelets , a helpful html template, and Neocities, a website host. When I decided to make a website, the last thing I wanted was a big stupid watermark in the corner of the screen, so I went to Neocities a host specifically about hosting html sites, specifically designed with the intent of replicating the old internet form of websites (even taking the name of Geocities), because it gave near complete freedom with the layout and ideas, the trade-off is that it’s all html based rather than an easy to understand template, and I have little experience with coding, however I found a html blog template by the name of Zonelets,  and continued to edit from there, interestingly, even when still using another template I still felt a sense of freedom not seen in an more accessible blog editor website like blogger. I do wish I had gonna and went outside of template, however. ...