Dead January
DEAD JANUARY Link to album My photo set here is named Dead January, I’ve never liked January as it’s always been a really annoying time of being cold while all the snow melts and gets dirty, kind of highlighting the rotting of a lot of structures, it’s also spiritually the beginning of work for everybody and it’s when all of the worst movies of the year get dumped. So I took a couple of pictures that I felt capture that kind of death felt during the beginning months. I wanted to take pictures on an actual camera but didn’t figure out how to work it and had to use my phone unfortunately. I also didn't get to figure out photoshop in time so these are all unedited, so I guess that's a problem. Though I guess that fit’s into the early month malaise of wanting to do something and it not really working out. "There are children playing in the street who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago." —...